Ninth Generation

15. Hugh9 Fraser, 8th Lord of Lovat (Hugh 8, Hugh 7, Simon 6, Hugh 5, Alexander 4, Hugh 3, Thomas 2, Hugh 1) was born in Scotland May 2, 1643. Hugh died April 27, 1672 in Scotland, at 28 years of age.

Hugh married Anne MacKenzie in Scotland, July 1659. Anne was born 1629. Anne was the daughter of Sir Job MacKenzie. Anne died November 10, 1670 at 41 years of age.

Hugh Fraser, 8th Lord of Lovat and Anne MacKenzie had the following children:

    18 i. Anne10 Fraser was born in Scotland March 12, 1660 or 61. Anne died October 8, 1684 in Scotland, at 23 years of age. She married Patrick Kinnaird, 2nd Lord in Scotland.

    19 ii. Isabel Fraser was born in Scotland 1662. She married Alexander MacKenzie of Glengarry in Scotland. Alexander was born in Scotland.

    + 20 iii. Hugh Fraser, 9th Lord of Lovat was born 1666.

    21 iv. Margaret Fraser was born in Scotland 1666. She married Andrew Monro in Scotland.

The fox

17. Sir Simon9 "The Fox" Fraser, llth Lord of Lovat (Thomas 8, Hugh 7, Simon 6, Hugh 5, Alexander 4, Hugh 3, Thomas 2, Hugh 1) was born in Scotland 1668. Sir Simon died April 8, 1747 in Tower of London, at 78 years of age.

Sir Simon married Margaret Grant in Scotland, December 1716. Margaret was the daughter of Ludovic Grant. Margaret died January 1728 or 29.

Note: Hugh Fraser, 9th Lord Lovat (1666-1696), who had four daughters, willed his estates to his grand-uncle, Thomas Fraser of Beaufort (fourth and only surviving son of Hugh Fraser 7th Lord Lovat) instead of his eldest daughter Amelia (1686-1763). The will was contested, but the estates remained with the 9th Lord Lovat's eldest daughter, Amelia Fraser, Baroness Lovat, who in 1702 married Alexander Mackenzie of Prestonhall, who adopted the name, Fraser of Fraserdale. Nevertheless, Simon Fraser of Beaufort (c1668-1747) became Lord Lovat in 1716, and after purchasing the rights of Amelia's son Hugh, and obtaining a release from Charles 5th Lord Kinnaird, heir of his mother Anne, daughter of Hugh 8th Lord Lovat, he [Simon], on 16th July 1738, expede a charter of the whole lands, lordships and barony, under the Great Seal in favour of himself, and failing him, to Simon his eldest son. Master of Lovat; Alexander, his second son and Archibald his third son, and the heirs-male of their bodies successively, all of whom failing, the succession to fall to his own heirs-male, whomsoever In 1746 Castle Dounie was burnt to the ground.

In the early 1700s he regularly switched his allegiance between the Government in Britain and the Jacobites in France, playing one side off against the other. During the Rebellion of 1715, he appeared actively to support the Government. In 1745, he waited to see which way things were going, and then compromised by ordering his son to bring out the Frasers for Bonnie Prince Charlie. After the Battle of Culloden in 1746, he tried to escape, was captured, was tried for treason and (at the ripe old age of 78) beheaded in Tower of London on 9th April 1747, and his estates and titles were forfeited to the Crown.

Sir Simon Fraser, 11th Lord of Lovat and Margaret Grant had the following children:

    22 i. Janet10 Fraser was born in Scotland. Janet died April 14, 1765 in Scotland. She married Ewen MacPherson of Cluny in Scotland.

    23 ii. Sybilla Fraser was born in Scotland. Sybilla died September 2, 1755 in Scotland. He married Primrose Campbell in Scotland. Primrose was born 1710. Primrose was the daughter of John Campbell. Primrose died May 23, 1796 at 85 years of age.

    24 iii. Simon Fraser was born in Scotland October 19, 1726. Simon died August 2, 1782 in Scotland, at 55 years of age. He married Catherine Bristowe in Scotland. Catherine was the daughter of John Bristowe.

    25 iv. Alexander Fraser was born in Scotland January 7, 1728 or 29. Alexander died July 8,1762 in Scotland, at 33 years of age.

    + 26 v. Margaret Fraser was born about 1729.

    + 27 vi. Archibald Fraser of Lovat was born August 16, 1736.

3. Joseph2 Olin (John 1) was born in East Greenwich, Rhode Island August 29, 1710. Joseph died October 30, 1760 in Scituate, Rhode Island, at 50 years of age.

Joseph married Mary Aylesworth in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, May 18,1735. Mary died 1829 in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.

Joseph Olin and Mary Aylesworth had the following children:

    6 i. Ruahama (Rahanna)3 Olin was born in East Greenwich, Rhode Island March 8,1734 or 35.

    + 7 ii. Elizabeth Olin was born June 2, 1737.

    8 iii. Mary Olin was born in East Greenwich, Rhode Island January 1738 or 39. Mary died February 1812 in Cambridge, New York, at 73 years of age. She married Benjamin Tiffany in Warwick, Rhode Island, November 6, 1768. Benjamin was born 1745. Benjamin died April 12, 1801 in Cambridge, New York, at 55 years of age.
    Note:Benjamin faught as a 2nd Lt., NY Regt., Revolutionary War.

    + 9 iv. Joseph Olden Olin was born February 27, 1739 or 40.

    + 10 v. Phillip Olin was born December 5, 1742.

    11 vi. Wealthian Olin was born in Exeter, Rhode Island January 27, 1743 or 44. She married John Spencer in Preston, New London, Connecticut, October 28, 1765.

    12 vii. William Olin was bom in Exeter, Rhode Island November 13, 1747.

    13 viii. Ruth Olin was born in Exeter, Rhode Island August 5, 1750.

    14 ix. Anna (Anne) Olin was born in Exeter, Rhode Island July 30, 1752. She married Jonathan Williams in Preston, New London, Connecticut, September 8, 1768.

    15 x. Sarah Olin was born in Exeter, Rhode Island March 31, 1756. She married John Payment in Hartford, Connecticut, March 18, 1772.

4. Henry2 Olin (John 1) was born in East Greenwich, Rhode Island Abt. 1719. Henry died 1812 in West Greenwich, Rhode Island, at 93 years of age.

Henry married three times. He married Charity Vaughn in Exeter, Rhode Island, September 1, 1739. Charity was born June 20, 1716. He married Martha Remington in West Greenwich, Rhode Island, June 17, 1790. Martha was born in Warwick, Rhode Island March 18, 1723 or 24. He married Sarah "Sally" Aylesworth May 26, 1810. Sarah was born 1735.

Henry Olin and Charity Vaughn had the following children:

    16 i. Susannah3 Olin. 17 ii. Rebecca (Rebeckah) Olin. Rebecca died before 1810.

    + 18 iii. Justin Olin was born July 17, 1739.

    19 iv. Mary Olin was born in East Greenwich, Rhode Island March 15, 1741 or 42. She married Preserved Richardson June 6, 1760.

    + 20 v. Peleg Olin was born May 20, 1746.

    + 21 vi. Henry Olin Jr. was born October 15, 1749.

    + 22 vii. Caleb Olin was born December 8, 1753